Spodoptera litura dark green-brown with black spots on each segment badanya book. This caterpillar is about 15-25 mm. Meanwhile, Spodoptera exigua same size as S. litura, but the color green to light green body with no black spots on the section badanya book. SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Both types of caterpillars are often nestle plant by eating the leaves, causing leaf-lubag cavities, especially in young leaves.
- Perform well senitasi land.
- Attach the butterfly traps in several places. This trap can be made from old bottles of mineral water with some sort of glue smeared with Charry trademark Glue. This glue contains sex hormone butterfly.
- If found these pests immediately spray with insecticide right. Insecticides that can be used in between Buldok 25EC, Prevathon 250SL, and Fra-Red 250EC
- Use according to recommended dosage on the label.
To cultivate cauliflower, initially only be grown in areas that have a minimum temperature 15.50-180 C and a maximum of 240 C with an optimum humidity between 80-90% .. But with the creation of new cultivars that are resistant to high temperatures, making the BosPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya cultivation of cauliflower can also be conducted in the lowlands (0-200 m asl) and medium (200-700 m asl).
Title : armyworm (Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera exigua)
Description : Spodoptera litura dark green -brown with black spots on each segment badanya book . This caterpillar is about 15-25 mm . Me...